Simplify your Cover Letter writing process with Lamwork's detailed guide. This guide covers responsibilities, tasks, required skills, and certifications for each job, helping you craft a tailored Cover Letter.
The Cover Letter structure at Lamwork includes:
Contact: Start by mentioning basic information like your name, address, phone number, and email.
Date: The date when you are writing the Cover Letter.
Recipient: This is usually the individual or company receiving the Cover Letter. Include their title or position (if known), the company or organization name (if applicable), and their address.
Subject: A concise and clear title about the content or purpose of the Cover Letter. For example: RE: Experienced [Job Title] for hire (RE stands for "Regarding" or "In reference to")
Greeting: Begin with a greeting appropriate to the recipient’s position. If you know the recipient's name, address them directly. If not, use a general salutation. Example: Dear Hiring Manager
Introduction: This is where you open your Cover Letter. You might have found the job through various sources like job websites, the company's site, job fairs, social media, referrals, newspapers, and other connections. Mention your current job position and industry here.
Professional Experience: This crucial section will include Lamwork's suggestions tailored for each job. You can link these suggestions to your own experience to make your writing more coherent. Discuss skills and experiences important for the job, how they helped in your previous roles, and how you can apply them to the new position. Also, mention factors that make you a promising candidate.
Highlighted Achievement: Mention one or several key achievements in your career. These should demonstrate your ability and experience to meet the recipient's needs or requirements.
Additional: Share any additional information or details like education, special skills, or any other standout points.
Call to Action: A motivating closing sentence encouraging the employer to contact you.
Closer: A standard concluding remark that also reflects your professionalism.
For more inspiration, browse through our Cover Letter samples below. Craft your Cover Letter with confidence and professionalism using Lamwork!